Do you body language plays crucial role in 1st phase

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Focus on body language

Remember, the interview starts the minute you step through the door so be courteous to everyone you meet on the premises. Body language counts more than what you say! So pay attention to the following:

  • Smile! This immediately warms the atmosphere and the positive endorphins that smiling releases will calm you too.

  • Have eye contact with your interviewer(s). This makes a connection, shows you are confident and engaged with the interviewer and is a crucial part of forming a relationship with them.

  • Nod your head from time to time to show your understand or agree with points your interviewer is making.

  • Smiling, eye contact and head nodding is the most influential body language, according to research from Goldsmiths University. But don’t slouch and have a firm handshake when the interviewer offers their hand.