WordPress is semi-dynamic website so for any website managing admin part is very important, so for managing admin roles it to important because
For example:-If wordpress developer is not ready to edit the site or write blog posts then he may give that portion of work to another individual but if that employee or writer can’t be given to him so what admin of wordpress should then?
He have to assign roles to that individuals
Roles in simple words can be defined as nothing but giving permissions to particular people who are responsible for that particular works or duties for individual,so let us know what are duties of roles in wordpress.
let us discuss about roles and their responsibilites
Administrator:- His role is nothing main admin role it can be said in simple words that he is ultimate owner of site and he can customize that he can
Author :- He can write only his posts with his own media and any other but only posts can be edited
Editor:- He is second admin of site, he can create edit and customise all the pages,posts, categories and publish them
Contributer :- He plays crucial role in editing because he can post publish category editing customize pages and many more just before if it is publishing that particular article or post, with the review and approval of admin he can customise
Follower Or viewer:-
He can write some comments to the post and approve it and coming to viewer he can view and follow the posts of websites and comment on that