What are pages in wordpress? How to use those pages in wordpress

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Pages generally contain static information,which will not change unless untill we change particularly and pages can not keep in to categories,

Every individual page contains different content and pages are used for it 

Lets explain with small example 

Suppose if yo are owning a website having content of  some health and beauty then you must add pages for saying some kind of disclaimers or notice or some other content which will be standard and need not to be changed every time

Generally pages are used in website to write About Us,Contact Us,When coming to shopping cart shopping cart it can be used to create shopping cart page,checkout page and all other pages related for customer to buy and checkout,

How to create pages?

It is also available in left section of wordpress dashboard,it can also have multiple pages just like posts andother super quality of  pages are we can make pages as our home page,every wordpress theme contains this option and wordpress developers can see this option in home page settings og wordpress