In 1940’s, India is a under developed country.People in India stays their own home town for their livelihood. Most of the places in India are villages.People in Villages are most of the farmers.They don’t need to go big cities for their livelihood.The farmers are more rich as they can eat food,Stays their own houses and employees in their own farm.Other than farmers,There will be government officials.So from the above sentences,The people are not interested to travel distant place or a town.From 1970’s Globalization took place in India. With the downfall of agriculture, Increasing of English education. People started to do job in metropolitan cities in India.Slowly people in villages began to shift in bigger cities or towns.With these developments,Travel business started to play a major role in economy.People who started a travel business earned a abnormal profits.Rapidly,Most of people started to purchase a Bus,cars and even a flights.Starting a bus business means purchase of bus for business needs.If you start a business with travel bus you can earn best profits daily and you can link up with best apps .
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