Which are the best part time jobs where you can do along with your activities

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Part time jobs are very demand around the world.Irrespective of age groups, Gender , Social status, Many of us want to earn money along with their respective activities.Students after their graduation want to earn money for their livelihood.Because,After their teenage they cannot depend on parents for money.So,They need to go for a part time job to earn money.Some people who are retired from their jobs after 58 years, They feel bore in home or people who are not rich at hat time they should earn money for their food and shelter.Women in houses are also in search of part time job to contribute to her family.Now we will show some part time jobs which you can do at your comforts.

=>Teaching :- This job is best for people who are in need of part time job.If you are expert in teaching of any type of subject,You can go to a collage or institutions to teach for ah hour.By doing this job you will get more satisfaction than money and students will gain knowledge from you.

=>Advertising agency:- You can be a agent for any media companies to bring ads from shops,business enterprises,etc.You can earn commission from advertiser and from media companies.You can earn money depends how you will collect ads.By doing this type of job you can get promotions or experience to make better money.

=>Real estate executive :- This job is best for people having more number of friends and well known persons.Their  job is to promote a venture to people who wants to buy a property.The person should search or market a venture and make them to purchase a property from their company.If you concentrate on this you can gain more money.